有些很好的专业但是真的就很难申请,放在这里给你们欣赏欣赏: Psychology,Vet,Music,VCA,Medical。 另外注意Science里有些专业是Coursework但是需要学生找到supervisor,而supervisor都万年不理会邮件。比如Master of Science里的Earth Science。遇到这种情况还是换个alternative的program吧比如换到Geoscience. 申请上可能相对其余...
墨尔本大学主校区距离市中心比较近, 生活方方面面都比较便利, 那随之而来的就是相对比较高的生活成本, ...
墨尔本新校长上任第一件事就是Kill Melbourne Model,墨尔本大学到了现在和悉尼大学的唯一的本质区别就是...
Victorian College of the Arts and Melbourne Conservatorium of Music 费用: 录取率: 毕业时就业率: 业界评分: 雇主评分: GPA平均分: GMAT平均分: GMAT平均分: 起薪: 博士GRE语文平均分: 博士GRE数学平均分: 博士录取率: 教育专家评分: 学生与教师的比例: 研究生院总招生: GRE数学平均分数: 学院研究经费: ...
The University of Melbourne’s enduringpurpose is to benefit society through the transformative impact of educationand research. Advancing Melbourne will enable theUniversity to contribute to advancing the state and national interest and mak...
墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne),简称墨大,始建于1853年,是世界顶尖研究型大学,南半球首屈一指的学术重镇,为AACSB和EQUIS认证成员。墨尔本大学坐落于澳大利亚文化,艺术与工业中心——墨尔本(连续多年被联合国评为“世界最宜居城市”)。墨尔本大学是澳洲六所砂岩学府之一,Universitas 21的创始会员和秘书处所在地...
The conservatorium of music, university of Melbourne: A historical essay to mark its centenary, 1895–1995This 'essay' consists of nine chapters, with a generous fifty-two pages of mostly well-reproduced photographs and other illustrations and almost 100 pages of text. Also included in this ...
Apply now for a great journey with the University of Melbourne. Or if you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact IDP for more support.
included Melbourne's own Joseph Reed, who was responsible for the design of many of the early campus buildings. Although the master-plan was followed until the 1930s, the 1950s saw the modernist style established as a new "house style", resulting in the mix of university buildings seen ...
University of Melbourne, coeducational institution of higher learning in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, financed mainly by the national government. One of the oldest universities in Australia, it was founded by the Victoria legislature in 1853 and at fi