When the University of Melbourne was established in 1853, it was a mere cluster of buildings in a large park on the fringe of the city, with four professors and 16 students. The university now sits at the heart of a thriving international city and is... ...
以我所读专业(Master of Public Policy and Management)为例,教授多为美帝top高校本硕博,发表了大量...
我这学期被分配到的client的是Melbourne Fashion Week,assignment1是给client系一个client brief,里面要...
笔者就读于Master of Management Accounting,course-based的,专门招收本科为非会计专业的学生,但其实大部...
Everything you need to know about University of Melbourne! it is a public research university founded in Australia.
3. 下半年有一门田野调查,叫linguistic field method,25学分。会带大家研究一门尚未记录的语言。我们...
一般情况下一共有两种waiver,一是prerequisite waiver(免前置跳着读),另一个是Course Progression Rule ...
在伦敦,我认识了盐城少年Blake,他如今和墨大的另一位如今在香港的学长Patrick已成为墨大就业向学生的领袖;优秀的学弟学妹相继来到,当前身在新加坡的Jr.,没有人知道他的未来能走多远;将墨大的melbourne model和exchange system钻研到极致的家明,对他后来的学弟学妹们保持着无限温柔地引领与帮助;在图书馆里同度了数...
Melbourne Business School (MBS) Master of Management (Finance) Master of Management (Accounting and Finance) Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) Master of Computer Science Master of Information Technology 墨尔本大学重要通知! (PTE)更新的分数要求:本科[1]; 研究生[2] 对于在2024年...
UMEP全称The University of Melbourne Extension program, 是墨尔本大学专门为year 12 VCE/IB高中生开设的...