Why should you choose University of Maryland Global Campus? Read recent student reviews and discover popular degrees offered by University of Maryland Global Campus on Universities.com.
马里兰大学全球校园(University of Maryland Global Campus,简称UMGC)是一所以提供在线教育为主的高等学府,隶属于马里兰大学系统。UMGC成立于1947年,致力于为全球学生提供灵活的学习机会,特别是为在职人员和军人。学校的校训“学习无处不在”体现了其推动教育公平和可及性的重要使命。UMGC提供多样的学位课程,包括本科、硕...
Get campus information about University of Maryland, College Park, including computer resources, career services, and health & safety services at US News Best Colleges.
马里兰大学巴尔的摩郡分校(University of Maryland, Baltimore County)成立于1966年,属于马里兰大学体系中的一员,也是该系统中三所主要的大学之一 (分别是帕克分校、巴尔的摩郡分校、巴尔的摩分校三大分校)。 该校位于美国东北部马里兰州巴尔的摩县卡顿斯维尔,共有逾13,000名学生就读,该校是一所正处在飞速发展中...
Explore University of Maryland Global Campus reviews, rankings, and statistics. Is it the right college for you? Rankings, stats, and reviews on admissions, academics, student life, and more. This is Transfer and Admissions Information for University
The University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) is the state’s flagship campus and a major engine of innovation, new discoveries, and entrepreneurship. The university boasts more than 57 innovation centers across campus, but most are part of a larger division and were often difficult to find. ...
campus has to offer including mackeldin mall, peace garden, and more. learn more about university of maryland here . campus life at umd in addition to skill-building and friendships, each id tech camp offers students the valuable opportunity of exploring a prestigious university campus. at ...
马里兰国立大学(National University of Maryland)创立于1956年,是一所美国著名大学,简称NUM,在校生约9000人,是美国大学协会成员、美国大学体育联盟成员、美国航天科研计划成员。该校的校园环境优美,坐落在马里兰州一座宜人的城市中,为学生提供了一个融合学术、社交和文化体验的理想场所。马里兰国立大学距离美国首府...
The University of Maryland Photo Collection is maintained by the Office of Marketing and Communications. About the University of Maryland The University of Maryland is the state’s flagship university and one of the nation's preeminent public. Office of