South Carolina follows the Castle Doctrine. Individuals attacked in a place where they have a right to be do not have a duty to retreat and may stand their ground. Deadly force is justified if there is a reasonable fear of imminent death, great bodily harm, or the commission of a violent...
The Maryland Society of Jesus was restored in 1805 and given supervision of the school, which bolstered confidence in the college. The United States Congress issued Georgetown the first federal university charter in 1815, which allowed it to confer degrees. The college's first two graduates were...
Of the 36 men at Guantanamo, 20 are being held without charges, but have been “recommended for transfer with security arrangements to another country.” The juxtaposition of being in the American suburbs, thinking before I left that I would be in a heavily Cuban influenced community focused o...
Madyis a junior from Rockville, Maryland at the McCormick School of Engineering. She's pursuing a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in robotics. Mady is a member of Baja SAE team, which designs and builds an off road car, and does research in an interdisciplinary ro...