University of Maryland--College Park (Smith) Executive MBA The EMBA curriculum includes functional skills courses while emphasizing management of the entire organization, with a special consideration of what it means to be a purposeful leader. Action learning projects and sessions on systems...
(smith), a public school, is rolling. ninety-seven percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. for these programs, the majority of the online classes are recorded and archived. students should also note that the online mba programs at university of maryland--college park ...
University of Maryland - Robert H. Smith School of Business Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inHuman Resources Management The Sector of Human Resources...
20.MBA Information Systems University of Maryland - Robert H. Smith School of Business U.S.A. 21.Master of Science in Information Systems Technology George Washington University - The George Washington University School of Business U.S.A. ...
马里兰大学系统是美国最有影响力的公立大学系统之一,下属的马里兰大学-帕克校区(University of Maryland, College Park,UMD或UMCP)是其中的旗舰校,被誉为“公立常春藤”(Public Ivy),是象征世界一流大学的美国大学协会AAU的61个成员校之一...
No information available Loyola University Maryland Loyola University Maryland Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Leadership The Sector of Leadership The field of leadership management is composed of international business tactics and strategies that focus on business theory. This sector is ...
整体氛围 师资队伍 校友关系 就业支持和雇主关系等才是更值得考虑的因素 对我而言 马大商院MBA项目目前...
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA inMarketing The Sector of Western Marketing Nowadays, the companies have to sell their products and offers in a high competitive and dynami...
马里兰大学,全称马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland,College Park),简称UMD或UMCP,始建于1856年,坐落于美国马里兰州,马里兰大学系统下的一所公立研究型大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”。 马里兰大学的科研水平十分优秀,学校有31个专业方向的排名位于美国的前10位,61个专业方向的排名处于美国的前15位,90个专业被排进...
Access all of the Business, Engineering and Education School data for University of Maryland--College Park.Learn More Graduate School Advice Applying to Graduate School Learn how to find the right school and apply to competitive programs. Paying for Grad School Explore your options for grad school...