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education home university of maryland--college park ranked in 9 program s overview rankings business engineering education fine arts health library and information studies public affairs science social sciences and humanities add to list fine arts explore umd's fine arts school fine arts fine ar...
马里兰国立大学(National University of Maryland)创立于1956年,是一所美国著名大学,简称NUM,在校生约9000人,是美国大学协会成员、美国大学体育联盟成员、美国航天科研计划成员。该校的校园环境优美,坐落在马里兰州一座宜人的城市中,为学生提供了一个融合学术、社交和文化体验的理想场所。马里兰国立大学距离美国首府...
Number of research only staff 1,621 Number of new undergraduate students 4,357 Number of new master's students 892 Number of new doctoral students 304 Powered by Rankings University of Maryland College Park is ranked #72 in Best Global Universities. Schools are ranked according to their performan...
马里兰大学,全称马里兰大学帕克分校(University of Maryland,College Park),简称UMD或UMCP,始建于1856年,坐落于美国马里兰州,马里兰大学系统下的一所公立研究型大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”。马里兰大学的科研水平十分优秀,学校有31个专业方向的排名位于美...
Presents information on a $25,000 commitment given to the University of Maryland's College Park Broadcast pioneers Library of American Broadcasting. Reasons for this commitment; Benefits of this commitment; Reference to the contributor, Jerry Lee, owner, WBEB-FM radio station.Young...
public affairs more from umd colleges graduate schools online programs global universities unlock u.s. news grad compass access all of the business, engineering and education school data for university of maryland--college park. learn more graduate school advice applying to grad schoo...
马里兰大学学院公园分校(University of Maryland,College Park,缩写UMD或UMCP),或译马里兰大学学院市分校,是一所位于美国东部小城学院公园市的大型公立综合性全国大学,成立于1856年,提供本科、硕士、博士、文凭课程(Certificate)四种学位类型;该校与华盛顿距离约8里。马里兰大学系统是美国第12大大学系统,由13所马里兰高等教...
马里兰大学学院市分校(英语:University of Maryland, College Park,英文简称UM、UMD、UMCP或Maryland),是一所在美国排名前列,并在全世界范围内拥有很高知名度的顶尖公立研究性大学。大学创建于1856年,位于美国东北部马里兰州大学公园市,是马里兰大学系统的旗舰分校,同时也是马里兰州以及华盛顿都会区最大的大学,也被认为是...