/100 graduate nursing program overview university of maryland--baltimore is a public institution where the majority of the graduate-level, online nursing classes are recorded and archived so that students can access lecture material at their convenience. one hundred percent of students are already ...
University of Maryland--Baltimore County, a public institution, offers labs for its online, graduate-level information technology program. All of the online classes are recorded and archived so that students can access lecture material at their convenience. The application deadline...
马里兰大学-巴尔的摩郡分校(University of Maryland–Baltimore County,简称UMBC)成立于1966年,是一所公立大学。UMBC坐落在郊区,校园面积530英亩。学校有大约250个学生组织,近20个兄弟会和姐妹会,还会举办一年一度的校园活动,比如春季嘉年华和名为“方头狂热”的音乐会,让学生在学术世界之外享受乐趣。作为一所荣誉大学,...
Become a member to see affiliations information. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Trending Become a member to see COMPANYmeter for University of Maryland at Baltimore. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Contacts + Add Become a member to see contact information for University of Maryland at Baltimore. ...
所属地区:Office of International Services,601 W. Lombard St.Suite 240,Baltimore, MD 21201 USA 美国马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校成立于1807年,位于美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市区,是马里兰地区唯一一所公共学术、健康、人文服务与法律中心。这所占地61 英亩的研究与技术中心在西巴尔的摩有62座校内建筑,邻近内港。美国马里兰大...
The University of Maryland, Baltimore is recognized as one of the preeminent public research universities in the nation. The University educates students who become leaders in their chosen professions; its faculty conduct research that is internationally
马里兰大学-巴尔迪默分校是一所公立综合大学。该校分为三个学院,数学与自然科学学院,工程和信息科技学院以及艺术人文和社会科学学院。马里兰大学提供本科和硕士项目,专业多达54个。 校园环境 学校占地 500 英亩,距离巴尔迪默市区15分钟车程,距华盛顿特区45分钟车程。马里兰大学的研究和科技园占地71英亩,为许多大学合作的科...
Over the years, Provine, a professor with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, has boiled laughter down to its basics. 多年来,布诺温,美国马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校(UniversityofMarylandBaltimoreCounty)的一位教授,已经总结出了笑的本质。 article.yeeyan.org 2. Marine scientist Yonathan Zohar, of ...
University of Maryland, Baltimore County 460世界排名 学校首页 专业设置 学术信息 录取要求 费用详情 新闻动态 学校相册 学校问答 学校类型:公立 大学 建校时间:1807年 在校学生:13839人 授课语言:英文 录取要求:托福80分 GPA3分 优势专业:牙医 护理 药学 公共卫生 ...