1.进入曼彻斯特大学官网,选择你所要申请的专业https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/ 输入你所要申请的专业,点击搜索 2. 找到你要申请的专业,点击进入专业信息页面 3. 首先看看项目概况,重点看Entry requirement Entry requirement部分重点看学术要求和语言要求 看看How to apply部分,个人陈述字数以及内...
At the University of Manchester, we pride ourselves on our commitment to fairness, inclusion and respect in everything we do. We welcome applications from people of all backgrounds and identities, and encourage you to bring your whole self to work and study. We will ensure that your application...
Law LLM (1 year)www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/08446/llm-law/ 平均分要求: For entry onto our master’s degrees, we require a minimum overall mark of 80% or CGPA of 3.0/4.0 in a Law degree with an average of 80% or higher in law units from a well-ranked inst...
University of Manchester Data Total number of students 41,180 Number of international students 18,345 Total number of academic staff 2,840 Number of international staff 925 Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 7,315 Number of master's degrees awarded 6,305 Number of doctoral degrees awarded 850...
About the University of Manchester: The University of Manchester is recognised globally for its pioneering research, outstanding teaching and learning, and commitment to social responsibility. The Russell Group institution is ranked the 6th best university in the UK and 38th in ...
找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Master of Planning with Real Estate Master of Planning with Real Estate 学位类型: 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:The University of Manchester(曼彻斯特大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
1.首先登陆你的曼彻斯特大学个人系统,注意,不是你申请时候的系统,是激活以后的系统。系统连接是:https://login.manchester.ac.uk/cas/login,输入 Username 和 Password 进行登录 2.进入系统之后点击 Student Center 3.将页面拉到底部,点击 Make a pre-payment ...
曼大授课型研究生项目可通过此网站进行查询:Master's courses for entry in 2021 | The University of Manchester 授课型研究生的录取要求从项目官网上进行查询,同样我们还是以会计专业(MSc Accouting)为例, 必须拿到 First or second class honors 的二等一学位(英国大学均分60%以上),或者同等级的海外学位。需要...
Master of Laws(LLM) MSc Social Research Methods and Statistics 商学院 Manchester Alliance Business School 学院官网 学院项目 MSc Sustainable Business 基本信息 学分 180 credits 项目时长 1 year 学费估算 暂无 GMAT Code 暂无 托福/GRE Code 暂无