曼彻斯特大学 The University of Manchester 所在城市: England , Manchester 优点:世界50强顶尖名校,英国著名六所"红砖大学"之首,英国"常春藤联盟"罗素大学集团的创始成员之一 QS排名:27 学校介绍 雅思要求:6.0~7.5 学费:14500-40000英镑/学年 生活费:7600英镑/学年 就业率:70.5% 师生比:15.2 优势专业:化学工程 ...
University of Manchester, Public university in Manchester, England. It has its origins in a nonsectarian college for men founded in 1851. It became a university in 1880, having established colleges in Leeds and Liverpool which later (1903) became universities in their own right. Ernest Rutherford...
university that offers undergraduate and postgraduate study programs in the field of science, engineering, humanities, finances, professional services and humanities. It has diploma and certification programs too to offer. The university is based in Manchester, England, UK and was established back in ...
学校名称:Anglo-European College of Chiropractic 中文译名:英欧脊椎推拿疗法学院 官方网址:http://www.aecc.ac.uk/ 学校名称:Arden University 中文译名:雅顿大学 官方网址:https://arden.ac.uk/ 备注:曾用名 Resource Development International 学校名称:Bangor University (Prifysgol Bangor) ...
位置 Manchester, England 校园 Urban and Suburban Colours Blue, Gold, Purple 归属 Russell Group, EUA, N8 Group, NWUA, ACU 网址 manchester.ac.uk The University of Manchester is a "red brick" civic university located in Manchester, England. It is a member of the Russell Group of large resear...
University of Manchester.Reports on the appointments at the University of Manchester in England. Richard Higgott; Gerald Hammond; Thomas Kirkwood.EBSCO_AspTimes Higher Education Supplement
Manchester is the only university in the UK to have social responsibility as a core goal. For you, this means we take our commitment to social responsibility seriously. We encourage you to become the best you can be and to make a difference in the real world by participating in Stellify ...
#58 University of Manchester 曼彻斯特大学 #60 Universite Paris Saclay 巴黎萨克雷大学 #60 University of Maryland--College Park 马里兰大学帕克分校 #62 Erasmus University Rotterdam 伊拉斯姆斯大学 #62 University of Colorado--Boulder 科罗拉多大学博尔德 #64 University of Zurich 苏黎世大学 #65 Bost...
University of Manchester, Public university in Manchester, England. It has its origins in a nonsectarian college for men founded in 1851. It became a university in 1880, having established colleges in Leeds and Liverpool which later (1903) became univers