其实读语言班提升最大的还是写作和口语,写作课老师都会教写作技巧,包括论文结构,文献引用(曼大一般用的是Harvard Manchester)和学术用词之类的,还会教你写论文怎么起承转折让每个段落和每个句子显得很自然而不是突兀,而且在写论文期间要阅读参考文献,也能帮助提升阅读能力。 口语训练主要包括 Seminar 和 Presentation,老...
In 2019, the University of Manchester partnered with Blackboard to create a more inclusive learning environment using Blackboard Ally. Find out moreabout the University of Manchester and Blackboard Ally.
With exam session coming up you might be focusing on revision and exam prep, but it’s also good have an understanding of how exams are run at the University of Manchester. It might be your first time sitting exams here or you might have experienced a different kind of exam period over ...
收起 一、生活体验 1.租房 2.购物 3.饮食 4.天气 5.交通 6.安全 7.娱乐 二、学习体验 1.管理...
商学院所创的“Manchester Method”(曼彻斯特项目教学法:组织学生以分组讨论的形式研究大量商业咨询实例,即...
曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester),始建于1824年,是世界著名综合研究型大学,英国顶尖精英老牌...
The way it works [for Jeanne’s specific course units] at the University of Manchester is that the lectures are pre-recorded by the professors and are available on the Blackboard platform. Students [in Jeanne’s classes] therefore have the choice to watch them whenever they want. Live lesson...