Universiti Malaya (UM) Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia 71.2 61 Duke University Durham,United States 70.8 62 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong SAR 70.7 =63 KU Leuven Leuven,Belgium 70.3 =63 Sorbonne University Paris,France 70.3 65 The University of Auckland Auckland,New Zealand 69.7 ...
8. Master of Business Administration City University of Hong Kong - College of Business Malaysia 9. Master of Business Administration University of Malaya - Faculty of Business and Accountancy China 10. Fudan MBA Fudan University - School of Management Japan 11. MBA Program Internatio...
University of Malaya Brunei 18. Master of Economics Universiti Brunei Darussalam - UBD School of Business and Economics China 19. Master in World Economics Zhejiang University Hong Kong (S.A.R.,China) 20. MSc in Applied Economics Hong Kong Baptist Universi...
Renmin University Of China Malaysia 17. International Master in ASEAN Studies University of Malaya Mongolia 18. MBA International Business Management Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST) Ch...
Educational programs 160 Bachelors graduates per year (Computer Science, Computer Engineering) Professional Masters Program Top-10 Doctoral program Nearly 3000 students/year in intro courses Nearly 5000 students/year in extension courses Collaboration UW Research Interactions Important External Interactions Art...
Tongji University - School of Economics and Management China 16. World Economy and China Beijing Normal University Malaysia 17. Master of Economics University of Malaya Brunei 18. Master of Economics Universiti Brunei Darussalam - UBD Schoo...
Catholic University of Lublin, University of the Pacific in California and University of Malaya in Malaysia. The undergraduate education program has been approved by the Ministry of education. More than 300 international students have been trained, more than 100 teachers have been sent abroad for exc...
Legislation was passed in 1961 establishing the former Kuala Lumpur division as the University of Malaya while the Singapore division was renamed the University of Singapore on January 1, 1962. Present Form The National University of Singapore was formed with the merger of the University of ...
World University of Bangladesh Electrical, Electronic Engineering Department. Welcome to Law Department:. Dr Md Abdul Jalil. Head of the Department. Bachelor of Laws (LL.B. ) International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). Master of Laws(LL.M.) University of Malaya, Malaysia(UM). Master of ...
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (formerly known as Manipal University), one of the top recognized deemed university in India offering UG & PG programs such as engineering, management and nursing courses. http://www.manipal.edu/ SHARE