University of Louisville (Speed), a public institution, offers labs for its online, graduate-level information technology program. All of the online classes are recorded and archived so that students can access lecture material at their convenience. The application deadline for the online graduate C...
rsity of Louisville speedschool.doc - University of Louisvillespeedschool.doc - University of LouisvilleHollace L. Cox, Ph.D
路易斯维尔大学(University of Louisville,或称UofL)是位于肯塔基州路易斯维尔的一所公立研究型大学。该大学建立于1798年,当时是美国第一座市立的公共大学,也是第一批建立在美国阿勒格尼山脉西边的大学之一。路易斯维尔大学被肯塔基州议会授权为“杰出都市研究型大学”,并被 卡耐基高等教育机构分类 指定为“research 1...