Although your first year results don’t count towards your degree at the end (you need a minimum of a Third Class or 40% to pass your first year, otherwise you will have to resit exams or be dropped from the course), putting in the effort and getting the best result you can will st...
1.校园环境. Queen Mary 是一个校园型大学,没出国前听到“校园型大学”,搞不懂,哪个大学没有校园,出国后明白,原来国外的大学不像中国,围墙围起来,树一牌子,哇!真的好有安全感,伦敦很多大学几乎都不是“校园型”大学,这意味着你今天要去上课得拿着伦敦市地图,输入地址,然后地铁,bus,折腾个一小时才到教室;还...