The University of Liverpool Maths Outreach Team is a group of staff and students committed to providing interactive and enriching mathematics to school pupils from Year 1 up to Year 13. The team is headed by Chris Marchant, a graduate of the Department, who returned to take up the post in ...
and loss of meaning of work whilst remaining “on the inside” have been studied by Broccolichi (2000) as “cognitive disengagement”. This is a central form of disengagement that is less spectacular and measurable than dropouts or absenteeism. We find this concept useful, but...
Equality and Diversity Group, Athena Swan A member of Staff and Student Wellbeing Group at University of Liverpool Internationalisation (undergraduate) Coordinator in the Department of Chemistry Peer Assisted Learning/Mentoring Coordinator in the Department of Chemistry Member of RSC Maths Streering Group ...
Since then, I have worked in biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Leicester and the National Institutes of Health, MD, USA before coming to Liverpool as a lecturer in 1994. DNA topoisomerases, DNA topology and human health (Invitation to Speak, EMBO 2015) The ancestral role...
Why go to University of Leeds? Many courses at University of Leeds offer an opportunity to do a work placement or sandwich year. These opportunities will help you develop your employability skills, and the careers department is also on hand to offer personal support. As well as a wide range...
Nigel Thrift, geographer, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Warwick Future development Vision 2020 Recently constructed buildings on the Warwick campus; (left to right) the International Manufacturing Centre (IMC), the Department of Computer Science (DCS), and the Zeeman building (Maths and Statis...
The research will be presented at the annual congress of the European Economic Association in Manchester this month. Co-author Gerda Buchmueller, from Lancaster University's Department of Economics, said: "While what you learn matters, how well you master what you learn is important too. Indeed...
•Askquestions/emailtherelevantdepartmentatuniversities 2015-5-15 Choosingwhattostudy •Questionsyouneedtoaskyourselfaboutthedegree:Typeofdegree-eg.Single/JointHonours–Lengthofcourse–Practical/theorybalance–Teaching/assessmentstyles–Contacttime–Careerdestinations –Entryrequirements –Professionalaccreditations–...
Calendar / London School of Economics and Political Science. Calendar / University of Liverpool [microform]. Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal Canadian bar review. Revue du Barreau canadien. Canadian Federal Legislation Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Canadian mineralogist. Cancer. CanLII: Canadian...