Ky Hanson Amanda Cost of the Living: A Zom Rom Com(2011) Griffin Hartter Frat Stud Murder University(2012) Sean Hartter Frat Party Member #1 Normal(I)(2013) Lydea Irwin Unlucky Hostage Girl A Midsummer Night's Dream(I)(2017) Patrick Keeffe ...
The University of Kentucky’s Markey Cancer Center has achieved the highest level of recognition from the National Cancer Institute The UK Markey Cancer Center has been named a comprehensive cancer center from the National Cancer Institute in Lexington, Ky., ...
OUALALOU + CHOI Reveals Images of the Morocco Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai Laprida Building / Guidi + Hernández Arquitectos Orchis House / ZhiXing Architects Giant House in Oiso / Fumiko Takahama Architects House V / Martin Skoček Skylights House / Paula Aravena + Rodolfo Cañas +...
The University of Kentucky senate has issued a vote of no confidence in President Eli Capilouto, but the school’s Board of Trustees issued a statement afterward saying it “unequivocally supports” him LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) — The University ofKentucky...
Completed in 2021 in Helsinki, Finland. Images by Mika Huisman, Marc Goodwin, Tuomas Uusheimo, Hannu Rytky, Asmo Jaaksi, Niclas Mäkelä. The new building for the University of the Arts (Uniarts) Helsinki, the Academy of Fine Arts, provides students
[...]School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, Assistant Professor Naoya Sakamoto at Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University and Yosuke Ueki, Doctoral student at TohokuUniversityandFellowatJapan Science and Technology Agency (JST), has successfully visualized cross-section images of ...
LEXINGTON, Ky.-A white University ofKentuckystudent is accused of physically assaulting a Black student worker while repeatedly using racial slurs, officials said. Sophia Rosing was arrested Sunday at a residence hall and charged with assault, alcohol intoxication in a public place and disorderly cond...
TheUniversity of Kentucky Office of External Scholarshipsannounces Samuel Saarinen, of Shelbyville, Ky., has been awarded the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship worth up to $7,500 per year. Saarinen is one of 283 students nationwide awarded theGoldwater Scholarship...
Founded in 1871, the University of Arkansas is the flagship campus of the U of A System, the primary institution of higher education in the state and a national leader in applied research.
The rhetoric of “excellence” is pervasive across the academy. It is used to refer to research outputs as well as researchers, theory and education, individuals and organizations, from art history to zoology. But does “excellence” actually mean anythi