and Lisa Trueb}, year = {2024}, organization = {Social Psychology and Decision Sciences, University of Konstanz}, address = {Konstanz, Germany}, note = {R package (version 0.3.0, May 1, 2024)}, url = {}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8252106}, ...
address this gap by analysing the association between share of women in parents’ occupation or educational field and share of women in offspring’s educational field, with different results. A study in Denmark finds a positive association between the female share in the education of mothers and ...
Theuniknpackage facilitates the use of corporate design elements for R users. It currently contains dedicatedcolorsandcolor palettesof theUniversity of Konstanz, plus many additional color palettes from other institutions. In addition,uniknprovides a range ofcolor functionsthat make it easy to define, ...
Financial support by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the research group #FOR454 “Heterogeneous Labor” at the University of Konstanz and the ZEW, Mannheim, is gratefully acknowledged. We would also like to thank Paula Stephan, Al Link, Don Siegel, Frank T. Rothaermel, Adam Lederer...
(University of Konstanz,2023). Like ESG rankings, various sustainability university rankings rate the social engagement of universities (Galleli et al.,2022). It is assumed that UICs create a triple bottom line bringing benefits to universities, their industrial partners, and the public. In the ...
5.0out of 5 6 Ratings BiancaMariaH,03/02/2022 Great app! As an exchange student at Uni Konstanz it was easy for me to organize my schedule with the Studo app. I am very satisfied with the fact that I can find anything regarding my uni activity only a click on the app away, as wel...
Sozialwis- senschaftliches Archiv Konstanz. DiMaggio, Paul (1997). »Culture and Cognition«. In: Annual Review of Sociology 23, S. 263–287. issn: 0360-0572. doi: 10.1146/annurev.soc.23.1.263. Dreyfus, Stuart E. (2004). »The Five-Stage Model of Adult Skill Acquisition«. ...
KonstanzSeminar 19-21May2010 Commentson “RevisitingOverborrowinganditsPolicyImplications” ByGianlucaBenigno,HuigangChen,ChristopherOtrok,Allesandro Rebucci,andEricR.Young Doesanoccasionally-bindingborrowingconstraintina decentralizedmarketeconomywithproductionleadto ...
Georg, W. (2009). Individual and institutional factors in the tendency to drop out of higher education: a multilevel analysis using data from the Konstanz student survey.Studies in Higher Education,34(6), 647–661. ...
Crystalline silicon (c-Si) heterojunction (HJT) solar cells are one of the promising technologies for next-generation industrial high-efficiency silicon so