Guoguang MuWenju ChenYanxin ZhangYuan-Ling ZhanEducation in optics: International conference on education in optics, 28 September-1 October 1991, St. Petersburg, Russia
1-Dec-1917 7-Aug-2009 President, University of Kentucky, 1956-63 Charles M. Diker Business 1934 Diker Management LLC C. Douglas Dillon Government 21-Aug-1909 10-Jan-2003 US Treasury Secretary, 1961-65 S. S. Van Dine Novelist 15-Oct-1888 11-Apr-1939 The Canary Murder Case Viet Dinh Go...
随着人们生活水平的提高,食管癌(esophageal cancer,EC) 作为常见的上消化系统恶性肿瘤,其在世界上的发病率和死亡率逐年上升,已经成为一个主要的全球健康问题。食管癌的早期检出率低,预后差,大部分患者确诊时已经处于疾病的中晚期阶段。因此,尽早诊断食管癌,并制定合理治疗方案对改善患者预后有着十分重要的作用。新辅助...
This study mainly discusses the specific methods of improving the learning effect of university courses through gamification, and tries to put forward a set of design framework and apply it to a university course. From the perspective of learning engagement, this paper analyzes the effect of ...
Du Jia-LingGuo Ji-YuanLi HeBritish Journal of OphthalmologySun Y-Y, Wei S-F, Li S-M, et al. Cycloplegic refraction by 1% cyclo- pentolate in young adults: is it the gold standard? The Anyang University Students Eye Study (AUSES). Br J Ophthalmol. Epub 2018 Jun 21....
Wang, LingYan, FangyuanJournal of Vocational BehaviorWang L, Yan F. Emotion regulation strategy mediates the relationship between goal orientation and job search behavior among university seniors. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 2018; 108, 1-12.
We present a study of using an expected 500 MeV laser-plasma beam with 0.3 mm. mrad normalized emittance and 0.3 mrad divergence at Peking University to drive compact free-electron laser at 30 nm. We employ the bunch decompression method with a chromatic matching beamline as well as the ...
They were all proved to be effective to provide insight into the dynamic process of self identity constructing.doi:10.1007/s12124-012-9194-yLingLiArunaWuXiaoWenLiYuanZhuangIntegrative Psychological and Behavioral ScienceLing Li,Aruna Wu,Xiao Li,Yuan Zhuang.Constructing Self-Identity: Minority Students...
Effects of Bailing capsule combined with irbesartan on oxidative stress, inflammatory response and immune function in patients with diabetic nephropathyZhong LiNephrology DepartmentGuang-Ming ZhangNephrology DepartmentSha ZhengNephrology DepartmentJia-Jia Zheng...
The detection of the anti-TB antibody has an important, auxiliary, clinical diagnostic value. Therefore, TB antibody detection kits should be screened and evaluated, and the reagents with the highest sensitivity and specificity should be chosen and used clinicall...