肯特大学(University of Kent),成立于1965年,坐落在英格兰东南部肯特郡Kent的坎特伯雷市Canterbury,是一所著名的研究型大学。肯特郡,肯特被称为"英格兰的花园",是英国英格兰东南部的一个非都市郡郡,郡治是梅德斯通(Maidstone),下辖坎特伯雷市(City of Canterbury)等。肯特与东萨塞克斯(East Sussex)、萨里(Surrey)伦...
Coomputer Science-a Conversion Courses For NON-CS graduate Msc 针对2(i)以上科学与工程类毕业生或非自然科学专业毕业的学生设立,该专业对想从事计算机编程和软件工程相关职业的学生提供了基础的理论培训,在第二学期学生可以根据自己的兴趣选择深入的课程,进行六个月的学习与研究。 Education(教育学):曼彻斯特大学的...
KENT UNIVERSITY – MSc ETHNOBOTANYOldfield, GrahamCooke, DavePat, JanuarySuite, Brenan
Whatever your interests, whatever your goals, we’re sure you’ll find your place at Kent. We believe in the potential of everyone involved in the University of Kent to make a difference. With every human connection we make, we become stronger, building determination and a community spirit ...
澳洲 新西兰 搜索 扫一扫下载 首页 留学申请 北美中心 找学校 查专业 看攻略 英国 澳洲 美国 日本 新西兰 新加坡 测测专业申请成功率 Computer Science - MSc 计算机科学 学位类型:MSc 专业方向:工科 所属学校:University of Kent(肯特大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 加载中 查看该专业官方网址 ...
Becoming a University of Kent undergraduate is the exciting first step to making your mark and achieving your ambition. We know you’ll love your time here, making the most of our outstanding facilities and soaking up all the experiences on offer. Whatever... Read More Business School (11...
Students completing NCC Education’sPre-Master’s in Business (PMB)can now be considered for entry to various taught conversion MSc degrees* at Kent Business School including programmes in Finance, Management, Human Resource Management, Business Analytics, Logistics, Project Management, Marketing, Health...
KICL的地理位置十分优越,方便抵达伦敦各处。乘坐代表伦敦的红色巴士,或‘Tube’(地铁)就可以参观West End 区和Soho区的许多著名景点。从学院步行至London Bridge(伦敦桥)站,那里的火车可到达许多热门目的地,例如Canterbury(坎特伯雷)、Kent coast(肯特海岸)以及Gatwick Airport(盖特威克机场)。
aWe are delighted to inform you that your application has been successful for the MSc Management Science programme and you will be receiving an official letter from the University of Kent Registry during November by email and also by post, explaining the terms and conditions of the offer.[transla...