The University of Iowa, Writer's Workshop. 作为美国最早的创意写作项目,爱荷华的MFA是公认的顶级项目。不论是项目设置,资源,教师团队都属于顶尖配置。但项目选择只有诗歌和小说。可同时也允许学生在学校其他院修一些选修学分。 Columbia University, MFA 坐落于纽约,又拥有自己出版社的哥大在资源配置上可能很少有其他...
【天道世界名校介绍】爱荷华大学University of Iowa 学校网址 地理位置:爱荷华大学位于爱荷华州的东南部小城爱荷华市,该市是个大学城,生活方便,治安好,全美100个小型艺术城镇之一,最适宜人居城市之一,冬天很冷而且时间长,雪很大雪季时间长。爱荷华州位于美国中部,是一个很注重教育的州,ACT考试...
The university is home to the world-renowned Iowa Writer’s Workshop, which has produced 13 Pulitzer Prize winners. Recognising its contribution to creative writing, UNESCO designated Iowa as a City of Literature in 2008. The university comprises 11 colleges, the largest of which is the College...
The University of Iowa organized an international workshop on agricultural health and safety which was held in Iowa City in conjunction with the Third NIOSH Agricultural Health and Safety Conference during the week of March 24, 1996. Workshop participants from eleven countries, six NIOSH Centers ...
In 1855, Iowa became the first public university in the United States to admit men and women on an equal basis. Additionally, the university was the world's first university to accept creative work in theater, writing, music, and art on an equal basis with academic research. The university...
2015/08 ~ 2017/05 Iowa Writers' Workshop | Master | Creative Writing 2015/08 ~ 2017/05 University of Iowa | Master | Literary Translation ¥500起 / 300单词 杜伦大学简介 杜伦大学,又译作达勒姆大学,百强名校,也是英国著名“常春藤联盟”罗素大学集团、科英布拉集团、全球大学高研院联盟和N8大学联盟的...
Known for its top-tier programs in areas like writing (particularly the Iowa Writers’ Workshop), health sciences, and engineering, the university provides a solid educational foundation across many disciplines. The campus is beautifully integrated into the city of Iowa City, fostering a welcoming ...
The University of Iowa offers top-notch academic programming in more than 100 areas. Students looking to hone their leadership skills have many options, too: They can enroll in the LeaderShape Institute, a six-day getaway workshop; or participate in one of the many programs offered through th...
2015/08 ~ 2017/05 Iowa Writers' Workshop | Master | Creative Writing 2015/08 ~ 2017/05 University of Iowa | Master | Literary Translation ¥500起 / 300单词 普渡大学简介 普渡大学西拉法叶分校(Purdue University, West Lafayette)是一所历史悠久的研究性公立大学,有政府特准的土地、海洋和空间使用权...
美国爱荷华大学(the University of Iowa)招聘医学图像处理方向博士后美国爱荷华大学电子和计算机工程系结构成像实验室因研 …|基于433个网页 3. 爱阿华大学 爱阿华大学(the University of Iowa),/ v* d- R* J% Q# F) x2 d# `5 R9 `+ W俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State)。