Mary’s College of Maryland and Dr. Art Spisak, Director of the University of Iowa Honors Program and former president of the National Collegiate Honors Council (NCHC).The title of their paper, published in the Journal of the National Collegiate Honors Council, is Honors and Non-Honors ...
The most prestigious merit award at UT Austin is thefull-ride Forty Acres Scholarship, provided to 14-18 outstanding applicants each year from a list of more than 50 finalists. About 90 percent of the finalists are from the state of Texas. Students in theUT Plan II Honors Programare well-...
…the students of the University of Wyoming. Disgusted by the state’s clear intention to continue prostituting itself to diploma mills, Wyoming’s student senate has decided it’s time for adults to step in: The University of Wyoming Student Senate plans to lobby lawmakers to crack down on ...
Carolina Chavez, the new Director of theMitchell Scholarship Program, worked previously for ten years on the Fulbright program at the Department of State. Chavez noted that in all of her experience, “I can tell you that the Mitchell Scholar network is exceptionally strong. Our alumni are involv...