Gold Foundation White Coat Ceremony for first-year students beginning their medical education at the University of Iowa. The event welcomed the College's class of 2026 and it represented the first time these future physicians would recite the Oath of Hippocrates, calling attention to the importance...
In the rapidly developing field of education, university admissions are no longer a simple matter of scores and rankings. This is particularly true for the graduates of the Class of 2024. They are about to enter a new stage of their ...
Welcome Panthers! Shop for a wide variety of products, services and events. All stores accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.Shop Now University Stores (1 - 8 of 8 Stores) Center for Energy and Environmental Education College of Business Store Hugs from Home Kinesiology ...
Carlson, a visiting professor and doctoral student at the University of Iowa studying musical therapy, has worked as a music therapist for 18 years. “I get the chills on a weekly basis just seeing how music touches people,” Carlson said. Carlson is also the vice president of theMidwestern ...
爱荷华大学公立寄宿大学 University of Iowa 爱荷华州 Iowa City城市 加诚国际教育 »院校库»大学院校»公立大学»爱荷华大学 学校类型:大学 公立/私立:公立 住宿方式:寄宿 学费:$31,569 学校名称:爱荷华大学 US News :88 学校电话:(319) 335-3847 学校地址:111 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1316...
UIOWA College of Law 学院官网 学院信息 录取率41.4% 就业率82.00% 录取平均成绩 平均本科GPA3.62 学院项目 LLM(Master of Laws) 基本信息 学分24 项目时长1 year 学费估算$28,810 (semester) GMAT Code暂无 托福/GRE Code6681 申请截止日期 秋季 常规5月1日 申请信息 GPA3.0 TOEFL92...
爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa),成立于1847年,学校占地1,900英亩,位于美国中部的爱荷华城,在爱荷华,学校就是整城市的中心,出来学校基本就是美国大农村,成片成片的玉米地和农场。爱荷华是一个非常宜居的城市,当地人都非常Nice。爱荷华城是艺术,科学和人文学科的沃土,全国最大和最受好评的学术医疗中心也在爱荷华。
Drake's offers a vibrant urban campus just five minutes from downtown Des Moines, Iowa—one of the fastest growing cities in the midwest! Students enjoy access to world-class internships, 150+ student activities, Division I athletics, global travel opportunities, and a gorgeous park-like campus...
Iowa City, city, seat (1839) of Johnson county, east-central Iowa, U.S., on the Iowa River, 27 miles (43 km) south of Cedar Rapids. Founded as territorial capital of Iowa in 1839, it lost the state capital to Des Moines in 1857 but retained the Universit
College Station, United States Shortlist Compare Employability Research & Discovery Global Engagement More Info NEW Employer Reputation 81.1 Rank 16 Overall Score: 79.4 The University of Queensland Brisbane City, Australia Shortlist Compare Employability Research & Discovery Global Engagement More...