Iowa的天气呢就是冬天冷夏天热,但是因为空调和暖气都很足,一般在教室里面冬天夏天穿的衣服几乎差不太多,当然了,不怕冷的美国人除外~ 爱村现在很多国际学生了,除此之外,美国白人居多,是一个很diverse的community。UIOWA最有名的专业是英语文学方面的,所以rhetoric是我念书时候的必选课程。我念的时候还分Rheto...
爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa),是一所坐落于爱荷华城的美国著名公立大学,是爱荷华州立大学系统的旗舰校,也是体育竞技十大联盟大学之一。爱荷华大学的写作系,医学院,工程学院,商学院久负盛名。 该校创建于1847年2月25日——爱荷华州刚刚成立59天后,是本州的第一所公立高等教育机构。其后,凭借她在艺术,科学,人...
爱荷华大学Tippie商学院(英文:University of Iowa Tippie College of Business)是世界顶尖商学院之一。爱荷华大学是一所历史悠久,驰名国际的大学,学校成立于1847年,具有一百五十年的历史,是美国最著名的州立大学之一,在2017USNEWS美国商学院排名第45。自1847年以来,Tippie商学院一直秉承着创新、思想领导力以及卓越商业...
Iowa City俗称爱村,大部分住在爱村的人都是学校的学生或者教授/老师。所以爱村也是一个很有名的大学...
If you are thinking about a career in accounting, data analytics, economics, finance, management, marketing, or entrepreneurship, there’s no better place to earn your business degree than the University of Northern Iowa's Wilson College of Business. • 98% placement rate • 6510 scholarships...
History of Jazz Elements of Art (不需要画画基础,只要不缺勤,稳a,3分课)Beginning Jazz/hio-pop...
爱荷华大学公立寄宿大学 University of Iowa 爱荷华州 Iowa City城市 加诚国际教育 »院校库»大学院校»公立大学»爱荷华大学 学校类型:大学 公立/私立:公立 住宿方式:寄宿 学费:$31,569 学校名称:爱荷华大学 US News :88 学校电话:(319) 335-3847 学校地址:111 Jessup Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242-1316...
Iowa State University (Ivy) Business School Overview The Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University (Ivy) offers these departments and concentrations: accounting, business analytics, entrepreneurship, finance, general management, health care administration, leadership, marketing, mana...
University of Northern Iowa Business School Overview The College of Business Administration at University of Northern Iowa offers these departments and concentrations: general management. Its tuition is full-time: $11,938 per year (in-state); full-time: $23,408 per year (out-of-state); part-...
University of Iowa confers degrees through various schools, such as: the Tippie College of Business, the College of Law, the Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, the College of Engineering, the College of Nursing, and the College of Education. Tippie College of Business ...