Rice University, Statistics DepartmentHouston, TX, USA The Department of Statistics in Rice University’s School of Engineering and Computing, located in Houston, TX, seeks applications for two faculty positions at the tenure-track assistant professor level or at the tenured associate professor level ...
Houston, J.B.; First, J.; Spialek, M.L.; Sorenson, M.E.; Mills-Sandoval, T.; Lockett, M.; First, N.L.; Nitiéma, P.; Allen, S.F.; Pfefferbaum, B. Randomized controlled trial of the Resilience and Coping Intervention (RCI) with undergraduate university students.J. Am. Coll....
419 University of Houston 62.931 USA Copper League 420 Royal Holloway, University of London 62.854 UK Copper League 421 The New School 62.715 USA Copper League 422 Birkbeck, University of London 62.626 UK Copper League 423 Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 62.616 Sweden Copper League 424 Un...
Houston III Katherine S. and Jamie G. Houston III Carl E. Howard Kelly and Hunter H. Howell Cathy and Jay U. Howington Charles H. Hubbert Berkley Hudson Institute of Community Services Intermark Group Inc. Dee D. and John R. Jacobson Camille J. Jeffcoat Scott Jennings and D.M...
北美第一所医学院(Perelman School of Medicine, 1765) 第一所大学内开设的商学院(Wharton, 1881) 第一个学生会组织(Houston Hall, 1896) 第一代通用电子计算机(ENIAC) 风疹与乙肝疫苗的发明、Retin-A、认知疗法 宾大拥有全世界最强大...
“Disadvantaged” or “Underprivileged” Youth Programs 2 1 The beverage company provides in-kind or monetary support to a university’s disadvantaged or underprivileged youth program Coca-Cola & University of Houston“UH Athletics currently participates in the Underprivileged Youth Program, and to that...
American Dental Association American Dental Education Association American Dental Hygienists' Association American Diabetes Association American Dietetic Assn American Diplomacy Publishers American Economic Association American Educational Trust American Environment Institute American Federation of Teachers American Fisheri...
ofAa 系统标签: lamalama夏威夷hawaiuniversityalumnidobelle FinalFantasyand otherdreams cometrueforUH digitalartgrads also Savingthesilversword Alohawearliveson OnJuly1,EvanS.Dobellebecamethe12thpresidentofthe UniversityofHawai‘i.Dobellepreviouslyservedaspresidentof TrinityCollegeinConnecticut,CityCollegeofSanFranci...