旧金山大学(University of San Francisco,简称USF)成立于1855年,位于素有“西海岸门户”之称的旧金山市,地理位置优越,是旧金山地区最古老的大学。学校开设了17个本科专业和9个研究生专业,目前共有来自75个国家的8000多名学生在此学习。 旧金山大学是美国职业发展型大学的代表,它的本科教育以创业精神著称于世,被誉为...
Only 2 hours from London and 1 hour from other major cities such as Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff and Oxford, the University comprises three campuses; two in the attractive regency town of Cheltenham and one in the city of Gloucester. Arts and Humanities (6) Architecture (BA Hons) ::type...
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities Communications Technologies/Technicians and Support Services Communications Technologies/Technicians Graphic Communications Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services Business/Commerce, General Business Administration, Management and Operations...
Harvard’s global perspective reflects our international community and informs the impact of scholarship, research, and leadership on our campus and around the world. 哈佛的全球视野反映了我们的国际社会,并告知了奖学金,研究和领导力对我们校园和世...
The institution is also led and supported by the University Cabinet, an advisory body convened by the president, which consists of the deans, vice presidents, and other senior academic and administrative leaders. 自1701年成立以来,耶鲁一直致力于扩...
College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning ranked among the top design schools |Graphic Design USA,2023 Ranked among the top 20 "Arts-Vibrant Communities" within large cities | SMU DataArts, 2022 Location Welcome to the Queen City ...
美国大学平面设计学院(School of Graphic Design)排名,全美第18 美国大学服装设计学院(Fashion Design)排名:全美第5 美国大学动画与视觉效果设计专业(Animation and Visual Effects)排名:全美第23 美国大学游戏设计专业(Game Design)排名:全美第80 美国大学工业设计专业(Industrial Design)排名:全美前50 美国大学...
With these answers as collected data, an ABER analysis was carried out through the production of visual media. Assessing findings quantitatively and visually allowed for the further investigation of students' knowledge of the city. This inquiry questions the role of the graphic map in research and ...
The creation of original work, both choreographic and written, isemphasized alongside rigorous technical training. 该课程通过接触专业编舞家,舞蹈家,评论家和学者,使学生熟悉创造性,表演性和分析性的舞蹈方法。学生与舞蹈专业人士一起学习要求苛刻的,基...