33 offers from top 100 QS World ranked schools (Glasgow, Durham, UT Austin, Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham, Nottingham, Boston University, Penn State, Purdue, Washington, California-San Diego, University of Western Australia) for 40% of the cohort. Noteworthy are the offers students received from l...
斯特莱斯克莱德大学 University of Strathclyde 院校概况 斯特莱斯克莱德大学始建于1796年,是苏格兰第三大大学,十九世纪以来逐步成为全英最负盛名的大学之一。它在500英亩的校址上建有67栋大楼,大学现有在读生22,000多名,共分五个学院:人文和社会科学、教育、工程、自然科学和斯特拉斯克莱德商学院。每年有50,000名学生...
Web Design, Domains and Hosting - from NSDesign, Glasgow This domain has recently been registered by NSDesign Internet Solutions. If you are the domain owner. You should replace this temporary homepage by uploading your own 'index.html' file into the 'public html' folder. Please visit the Ge...
Web Design, Domains and Hosting - from NSDesign, Glasgow This domain has recently been registered by NSDesign Internet Solutions. If you are the domain owner. You should replace this temporary homepage by uploading your own 'index.html' file into the 'public html' folder. Please visit the Ge...
Web Design, Domains and Hosting - from NSDesign, Glasgow This domain has recently been registered by NSDesign Internet Solutions. If you are the domain owner. You should replace this temporary homepage by uploading your own 'index.html' file into the 'public html' folder. Please visit the Ge...