On the road to enlightenment: Establishing an institutional repository service for the University of Glasgow. OCLC Syst. Serv.: Int. Digit. Libr. Perspect. 2007, 23, 297-309. Available online: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=1622097& show=abstract (accessed on 4 August ...
Glasgow University is ranked as a top UK university. The University is a member of the Russell Group. It runs a platform called esharp which is an ‘international online journal for postgraduate research.’ The University is very proud of the outlet. It states that all the papers are ‘dou...
GUGrades or GCAT 2. Contribute to universityofglasgow/moodle-local_gugrades development by creating an account on GitHub.
University of Exeter 埃克塞特大学 11 University of Leeds 利兹大学 12 Nottingham Trent University 诺丁汉特伦特大学 13 University for the Creative Arts 创意艺术大学 14 University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学 15 Univer 1222 英国留学吧 hanyu53 【英国研究生】英国大学C广告学专业MA/MS整理最近帮助妹妹整理留学信息...
Passport is one of the resources highlighted in the LibSmart II (www.ed.ac.uk/is/libsmart) Business Module available via Learn. Additional Passport Pro content added: • Passport Ingredients • Passport Mobility • Passport Nutrition
1. 圣保罗大学 《泰晤士报》... ... University of ANTWERP 安特卫普大学University of SAO PAULO圣保罗大学DALHOUSIE University 达尔 … wiki.mbalib.com|基于134个网页 2. 巴西圣保罗大学 巴西圣保罗大学(University of Sao Paulo)外交政策专家迪帕(Gilberto Dupas)说:“在20国集团中,巴西有著更广泛和更重要的策...
Moreover, some users use other electronic resources such as Libgen or SCIhub for ease of access compared with the university library. They prefer to type keywords in those public search engines and get the information they need easily and quickly. b. Technological Assistance Based on the technol...
GUGrades or GCAT 2. Contribute to universityofglasgow/moodle-local_gugrades development by creating an account on GitHub.
Beyond the Repository: Rethinking Data Services at the University of Maryland 来自 drum.lib.umd.edu 喜欢 0 阅读量: 7 作者:R Dasler,T Munoz,K Nilsen 摘要: In recent years, academic libraries have become increasingly concerned with data management and data curation. When asked by campus ...
of Workshop Participants Part I: Evaluation StrategiesA Sound Parallelization Framework for Parallel Scheme ProgrammingSpeculative Computation with Lazy Task CreationEvaluation Strategies for Irregular Parallel ProgrammingMotivation for Glasgow distributed Haskell, a Non-Strict Functional LanguageNotes on Parallel ...