(Redirected from The University of Glasgow) University of Glasgow 拉丁语: Universitas Glasguensis 校训 Via, Veritas, Vita 英语校训 "The Way, The Truth, The Life" 建立于 1451 类型 Public university/Ancient university 捐赠 £121 million Chancellor Prof. Sir Kenneth Calman Rector Rt Hon. Charles...
The city centre, Headingley and Hyde Park are all popular. Students should also consider their budget, and whether bills will be included at their accommodation. Also think about factors like room size, type and the number of flatmates you might like to live with. ...
University of Glasgow :: Glasgow, Scotland, UK Education, International, Research, University, Europe, England, Learning, Scotland, Teaching, British, Undergraduate, Degree, Universities, Graduate, Britain, Uni, Glasgow, Clearing, Glasgow University bris.ac.uk Bristol University homepage - a place for...