美国“三大理工学院”之一的Georgia Institute of Technology,即乔治亚理工大学,是与麻省理工(MIT)、加...
佐治亚理工学院设有独立的土木与环境工程学院(School of Civil and Environmental Engineering),学院拥有...
GEORGIA STATE UNIVERSITY GRADUATE PROGRAMS IN MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS Programs: The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers PhD with concentrations in Mathematics, Bioinformatics, and Biostatistics, and MS with no concentrat...
The application deadline for the online graduate business programs at University of Georgia (Terry), a public school, is rolling. One hundred percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. For these programs, all of the online classes are recorded and archived. Students should ...
佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),简称UGA。根据U.S. News2022年“全美大学排名”,UGA位列全美大学排名第49位,全美公立大学排名第16位,被誉为“公校常青藤”。多年来,UGA始终注重CS专业的发展,并在2022年7月更进一步,将原本的CS Department提升为School of Computing,大量扩充师资量力。UGA位于佐治亚州的Athens...
美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),创建于1785年,历史悠久。首位校长Abraham Baldwin以及一位校董事会成员William Few参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣言》。佐治亚州作为美国公立高等教育的发源地,佐治亚大学也是全美第一所公立大学,共由17个学院组成,校区面积广阔,拥有许多的天然资源。两百年来学校秉承公立大学成立的初衷...
More programs from the university Bachelor Master MBA PHD The Terry College undergraduate programs combine a real-world education with a world-class academic community. Terry offers opportunities like international study abroad destinations and the Terry Mentor program to help ensure success after graduat...
27Postgraduate programs AvailableScholarship About Georgia State University Georgia State University, founded in 1913, has a mission of excellence in teaching, research and service. Located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, this major research university has an enrollment of more than 27,000 undergrad...
SAMPLE MS PROGRAMS OF STUDY E. OTHER RESOURCESPage of Welcome to the University of Georgia and the College of Engineering (CENGR)! This handbook was approved by the faculty of the CENGR and is designed to serve as a guide for applicants, graduate students and faculty to the degree ...