Degree PhD Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus The PhD in Business Administration with a focus in Finance prepares students for careers in research and teaching in academic or government research institutions. The program provides a strong foundation in financial and economic theory and the met...
Degree PhD Study Level PHD Study Mode On Campus The PhD program in Economics provides in-depth, rigorous training in the theory and application of microeconomics, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Entering students aim for research and teaching careers in academia or research-oriented positions in...
美国“三大理工学院”之一的Georgia Institute of Technology,即乔治亚理工大学,是与麻省理工(MIT)、加...
Main Subject Finance Degree BBA Study Level Undergraduate Study Mode On Campus A degree in Finance prepares students for management careers in non-financial firms as well as careers in financial services firms such as banking, brokerage firms, and insurance companies. A Bachelor of Business ...
佐治亚理工学院设有独立的土木与环境工程学院(School of Civil and Environmental Engineering),学院拥有...
Yichuan Zhao– PhD in Statistics, Florida State University, 2002; Nonparametric Statistics, Survival Analysis, Monte Carlo Methods Georgia State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national or...
佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),简称UGA。根据U.S. News2022年“全美大学排名”,UGA位列全美大学排名第49位,全美公立大学排名第16位,被誉为“公校常青藤”。多年来,UGA始终注重CS专业的发展,并在2022年7月更进一步,将原本的CS Department提升为School of Computing,大量扩充师资量力。UGA位于佐治亚州的Athens...
Huaizhi Chen is an assistant professor of finance at the University of Notre Dame's Mendoza School of Business.
What are the other PhD scholarships in Victoria University of Wellington? Other PhD scholarships in Victoria University of Wellington are: Scholarships for Doctoral Students at RWTH Aachen University 2024-25 Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban Scholarship at Georgia State University 2024/25 Josephine De Karman Fello...
Main Subject Finance Degree BBA Study Level Undergraduate Study Mode On Campus The Terry College’s Risk Management and Insurance Program traces its formal beginning to 1965, and in a short period of time it has grown into the largest undergraduate program of its kind in the U.S. Terr...