University of Georgia 所在州: GA 郡县:Clarke 公立(4年制) 无宗教 学期制 订阅 2022 US NEWS 综合排名:48 US NEWS历年排名 更多排名信息 学校简介 官网 佐治亚大学是一所成立于1785年的公立大学。学校现有在校生29611人,校址在市区,校园面积767亩。该校为学期制度。佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)在2020年...
The most prominent advantage of eLC at UGA (eLearning Commons at University of Georgia) is that when a student has to go on vacation and cannot appear in classes, electronic learning becomes the savior. Students can take all their courses online without having to miss any one of their lesson...
I grew up on farms inValdosta, Georgia,and did my undergraduate work at theGeorgia Institute of Technology.Currently I just defended my PhD, which focuses on creating star-like temperatures and pressures using the ultra-intenseScarlet laserhere atOSU.In my spare time I write on my science blog...
WEsportXN请注明知乎好友)一、学校简介美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia),创建于1785年,历史悠久。
University Georgia Institute of Technology Kyoto University Stockholm University Green Metric® 64 206 190 QS© Activities 9 LEED certified buildings; retrofitting 64 campus buildings 44 with energy and water efficiency; 46 more buildings to reduce energy use by 15%; 500kW of solar PV on campus...