The significant factors in the development of the neurosurgery program at the University of Florida have been the funding for 10 endowed chairs and a Brain Institute, the achievement of departmental status in the College of Medicine, the collaborative research with a strong Department of Neuroscience...
Acute Kidney Failure, Heart Attack (AMI), Heart Failure, Pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Diabetes and Stroke. As well as High Performing in procedures like Aortic Valve Surgery, Heart Bypass Surgery (CABG), Colon Cancer Surgery, Lung Cancer Surgery, Prostate Cancer Surgery...
Joseph R. Shiber, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at the University of Florida College of Medicine. Dr. Shiber is currently on loan to us here at the University of Maryland as he completes his Critical Care Medicine Fellowship. He is the first EM/IM/CCM graduate our program ever ...