Pre-sessional course of Edinburgh University 一、课程安排 爱丁堡大学的语言课设置有21、10、7、4周,21周上完后还需要考雅思,雅思达到一定成绩之后才可以继续修读10周或以上的课程。10周和7周的课程主要是给雅思没有达到专业要求的同学修读的,读完后没有硬性要求考雅思,但是必须要通过语言课的考试才可以进入...
特别喜欢我上的这个四周的语言班(4 Weeks Pre-sessional English Course),专门为雅思成绩过了,但是想...
Scotland Whiskey Experience Center, Edinburgh Scotland Whiskey Experience Center, Edinburgh 在语言班的时候学校有超级棒的Day trip,只要五磅,周六早上给你用大巴拉倒一个城市,扔下去自己随便玩,下午到点上车再给拉回来,曼城,爱丁堡打卡。 疯狂爱上苏格兰威士忌,无法自拔的那种。 说起喝酒,有一次在College门口的沙...
Acceptable Course or Subjects: Available for a master’s degree program in the field of Anatomy / Forensic Anthropology / Forensic and Medical Art, Architecture and Urban Planning, Archives and Record Management, Art and Design, Biological/Biomedical Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Business (Accountanc...
Scotland Whiskey Experience Center, Edinburgh 在语言班的时候学校有超级棒的Day trip,只要五磅,周六早上给你用大巴拉倒一个城市,扔下去自己随便玩,下午到点上车再给拉回来,曼城,爱丁堡打卡。 疯狂爱上苏格兰威士忌,无法自拔的那种。 说起喝酒,有一次在College门口的沙发上拿着一瓶啤酒坐着等朋友,从门口进来了一...
分享回复赞 英吉集团吧 帅帅的Peter啊 英国大学排名3 UCL (University College London) 伦敦大学学院 英国 4 Imperial College London 帝国理工大学 英国 5 The University of Edinburgh 伦敦大学国王学院 英国 6 Kings College London 爱丁堡大学 英国 ... 分享42 丹东四中吧 英鹏国际1 最新2013年TIMES英国大学综合...
The University of Reading offers 250+ undergraduate courses, the application procedure for all the courses is nearly the same that is through an online application. Where to Apply: National Admissions Service Portal- UCAS Application Fee: For one course the fee is £18, while for multiple cours...
The top of Calton Hill commands a very fine view of Edinburgh. Edinburgh was such a lovely city. Just walking in the town was enjoyable. On the following day, I joined another tour by GreyLine. At first I was going to join the tour to the Lake District, but the tour was cancelled, ...