Ranking 78名2024年QS排名 174名2024年THE排名 263名2022年USNEWS排名 301-400名2023年ARWU排名 视频校园风景 > 杜伦大学(University of Durham),又译作达勒姆大学,世界百强名校,亦是全英国前10的顶尖大学,在英国大学各类排行榜中长期处于第3位至第6位,在英国乃至全世界一直享有极高美誉。它是位于英国东北部小城...
27 爱丁堡大学 The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 28 慕尼黑工业大学 Technical University of Munich Germany 29 麦吉尔大学 McGill University Canada 30 澳大利亚国立大学(ANU) Australian National University (ANU) Australia 31 首尔国立大学 Seoul National University South Korea =32 约翰霍普金斯大...
University of Birmingham =80 南安普敦大学 University of Southampton =82 利兹大学 University of Leeds =89 杜伦大学 Durham University 104 圣安德鲁斯大学 University of St Andrews =105 谢菲尔德大学 The University of Sheffield 108 诺丁汉大学 University of Nottingham ...
University of SydneyAU8Lund UniversitySE9The University of MelbourneAU10Western UniversityCA=11UNSW SydneyAU=11Uppsala UniversitySE13McGill UniversityCA14Delft University of TechnologyNL=15MITUS=15The University of EdinburghUK17University of BristolUK18ETH ZurichCH19Durham UniversityUK20University of Glasgow...
Durham GB DH1 3LE Open in Maps University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom #54 QS World University Rankings 449 Available programs View DetailsShortlistCompare London Business School #3 QS WUR Ranking By Subject 11 Available programs Ad Feature ...
Discover which universities around the world are the best for geography with the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024.Two of the universities to be included in this year's top 10 universities for studying geography are new entrants to the ranking, with Harvard University debuting in ...
Durham, United States Shortlist Compare Research & Discovery Learning Experience Employability Global Engagement More InfoNEW Academic Reputation 88.2 Citations per Faculty 88.2 Rank27 Overall Score:83.2 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Berkeley, United States ...
Discover where to study marketing with theQS World University Rankings by Subject 2024. Now expanded to feature nearly 50 universities, this year's marketing ranking is again topped by the University of Pennsylvania. Despite achieving the strongest overall score, Pennsylvania is beaten by at least ...
The 20th edition of the QS World University Rankingsfeatures 1,500 institutions across 104 locations and is the only ranking of its kind to emphasise employability and sustainability. This year, we've implemented our largest-ever methodological enhancement, introducingthree new metrics: Sustainability, ...