student in the electro-optics program at the University of Dayton. I have been at UD for two and a half years, and feel comfortable studying and living here. I decided to study in the USA when I was a freshman. The higher educational quality and better research capabilities attracted me ...
代顿大学 University of Dayton,是一所Private学校,位于美国中西部的Dayton,位列USNews | 2012年全美综合大学排名 No.#101 | 2012年B 等成绩的学生可选的A+类综合大学排名 No.#101 | 2012年美国最佳本科工程类专业排名(可授予最高学位为博士学位)) No.#130。代顿大学最
学校地址:Dayton, Ohio, USA 年均学费 37230美金 托福要求 80分 录取率 52.5% 学校概况 院校概况 戴顿大学(University of Dayton),又译代顿大学,是一所美国一流的私立天主教大学,建立于1850年。该校位于美国中西部技术和工业中心俄亥俄州的代顿市,是全美十大天主教大学之一, 同时也是俄亥俄州最大的私立学校。
戴顿大学(University of Dayton)位于美国俄亥俄州的戴顿市,是一所享有盛誉的天主教大学,以其优质的教育和丰富的校园生活而闻名。该校成立于1850年,致力于提供多元化的学术课程和促进学生的全面发展。戴顿大学以其工程、商科和教育等专业而著称,吸引了来自世界各地的学生前来求学。校训“Ad astra per aspera”意为“...
UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON, GE AVIATION EPISCENTER DAYTON, OHIO.The article looks into the architectural design of the University of Dayton's GE Aviation Episcenter in Dayton, Ohio designed by Hastings+Chivetta Architects Inc.EBSCO_AspAmerican School & University...
University of Dayton 戴頓大學 學校資訊 創校時間:1850 學校類型:私立大學 所在城市 / 州:Dayton, Ohio 大學總人數:10803 人 國際生比例:1188 人 學制:學期制 預估學費:約41750美元/年 食宿費:約13180美元/年 學校官網:
University of Dayton offers a number of student services, including nondevelopmental tutoring, women's center, placement service, day care, health service, and health insurance. University of Dayton also offers campus safety and security services like 24-hour foot and vehicle patrols, late night tra...
美 英 n.戴顿大学 例句
With these convenient facilities, Courtyard Dayton-University of Dayton is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers seeking a hassle-free and enjoyable stay in Dayton, Ohio.Convenient and Complimentary Parking Facilities at Courtyard Dayton-University of DaytonAt Courtyard Dayton-...
It is located on a 388-acre campus bordered by a quiet, suburban neighborhood, but located only two miles from downtown Dayton. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of almost 8,000 students.University of Dayton 300 College Park Dayton, Ohio