Purpose:The Biological Anthropology lab housed in the Modern Human Anatomy program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus focuses on the comparative and evolutionary anatomy of humans and other primates with applications in paleoanthropology and paleontology. We have two primary research inte...
科罗拉多大学丹佛分校(University of Colorado-Denver)成立于1912年,是一所公立研究型大学。学校位于丹佛的市中心,学生饮食和出行都非常的便利。该校是一个非常有活力的学校,提供130多个学习领域的课程项目,在商科、医学、工程、人文科学等学术领域都处于美国学术前沿。科罗拉多大学丹佛分校是科罗拉多大学系统的重要成员之一,...
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus 美国-科罗拉多-奥罗拉 www.ucdenver.edu/pages/ucdwelcomepage.aspx 加入我的选校 N/A - 142 USNEWS 录取率测试 在线问答 研究生专业 看看我适合什么专业? 所属学院: 全部 专业中文名学制学费其他
University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus 所在州: CO 公立(4年制) 无宗教 学期制 订阅 US NEWS历年排名 更多排名信息 学校简介 官网 科罗拉多-丹佛大学是一所成立于1912年的公立大学。在校本科生16385人,校址在市区,校园面积126亩。该校为学期制度。科罗拉多大学-丹佛大学在2020年US NEWS排名第254...
The University of Colorado Denver (CU Denver) comprises two of the four campuses of the University of Colorado state system: the main campus in downtown Denver and the Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. CU Denver has eight schools and colleges offering over 100 academic programmes. Its academic...
The University of Colorado College of Nursing at Anschutz Medical Campus partners with Fort Lewis College to offer undergraduate nursing program in DurangoPieters, KelseaColorado Nurse
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University of Colorado Medical School Overview Aurora, CO Explore Map The School of Medicine at University of Colorado has an application deadline of Nov. 30. The application fee at University of Colorado is $100. Its tuition is full-time: $44,754 (in-state) and full-time: $70,709 (out...
Is University of Colorado--Denver the best health school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of Colorado--Denver is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.