美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)与Case Western 和Ohio State University齐名俄亥俄州三大研究型大学。UC始建于1819年, 在全美公立研究大学中排名top 25,在世界2500所著名研究型大学中位列200强。辛辛那提大学的职业规划中心荣登全国榜首,图书馆名
辛辛那提大学 University of Cincinnati 地理位置: 学校位于俄亥俄州辛辛那提市(俄州第二大城市),是美国最适合居住的十大城市之一,也是国际商贸中心,该市多公园、绿地,风光优美 ,有“皇后城”之称。世界五百强公司中有十一家的总部都设在这里,就业资源及其丰富。学校占地473英亩,有5个校园,主校园离辛辛那提市中心不到...
学校地址:2624 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0001 学校介绍 官网网址: www.uc.edu 学校性质:公立 学生类别:专科本科,研究生,博士 师生比: 1:17 学生规模:39263 (28376 大学本科) 提供的学位:不到一年的学位,一年以上两年以内的学位,肄业/副学位,学士学位,后学士学位,硕士学位,后硕士学位,博士学位-研...
辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)成立于1819年,是美国第二古老的公立学府。普林斯顿评论评选辛辛那提大学为中西部最好的公立大学。UC是带薪实习课程co-op的发源地,学校毕业生的就业率高达98%。UC法学院经过美国律师协会的认证,是ABA的32个创始会员之一
The University of Cincinnati, founded in 1819, is a comprehensive, public institution. Its 137-acre campus is located two miles from downtown Cincinnati. 网址www.uc.edu/ 机构类别私立 男女同校是 学费$26,334 平均GPA3.5 录取难度很难 新生入学要求 ...
CCRALL – University of Cincinnati 45th Cincinnati Conference on Romance and Arabic Languages and Literatures April 2-5,2025 The oldest graduate student-run conference in the field. This year’s program This year’s keynote speakers: Jeff Loveland ...
In 2006, Shandong University created a joint urban research center with the University of Cincinnati in the United States, and an ongoing presence on each other's campus.About 1500 international students from about 40 countries come to study at Shandong University each year. An international ...
University of Cincinnati United States University of Clermont Auvergne France University of Coahuila Mexico University of Coimbra Portugal University of Cologne Germany University of Colorado-Boulder United States University of Connecticut United States University of Copenhagen Denmark University of ...
Liao, X., 2006. Creative Learning for Intelligent Robots (Doctoral dissertation). University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. News paper articles Unlike scholarly journals, news papers do not usually have a volume and issue number. Instead, the full date and page number is required for a correct...