辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)成立于1819年,是美国第二古老的公立学府。普林斯顿评论评选辛辛那提大学为中西部最好的公立大学。UC是带薪实习课程co-op的发源地,学校毕业生的就业率高达98%。UC法学院经过美国律师协会的认证,是ABA的32个创始会员之一
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联合健康学院 (College of Allied Health) 联合健康学院与排名全美前40名的UC的医学院、33名药学院和护理学院共同组成UC Academic Health Center。它位于医学院校区,实验室设施先进齐全,拥有全美前十的医学类图书馆和丰富的合作资源 (University Hospital, Christ Hospital,Cincinnati Department of Veterans Affairs ...
aIf I wonder why something is allowed;and press fpr prayer that it may be removed.If I cannot be trusted with any disappointment,and cannot go on in peace under any mystery,then I know nothing of Calvary love. 如果我想知道为什么某事允许; 并且新闻fpr祷告也许去除它。如果我在和平不信任以任何...
学校地址:2624 Clifton Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0001 学校介绍 官网网址: www.uc.edu 学校性质:公立 学生类别:专科本科,研究生,博士 师生比: 1:17 学生规模:39263 (28376 大学本科) 提供的学位:不到一年的学位,一年以上两年以内的学位,肄业/副学位,学士学位,后学士学位,硕士学位,后硕士学位,博士学位-研...
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) UC Health University of Cincinnati Alliances Expand AllCollapse All
We provide the most advanced cancer care for adults in Greater Cincinnati, backed by the most experienced physicians and leading edge treatment options.
TheUniversity of Cincinnatiis a coeducational public research university in Cincinnati, Ohio, part of the University System of Ohio. The 2007 rankings from The Center at Arizona State University place the University of Cincinnati as a "Public University Ranking in the Top 25 among Publics", tied ...
辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati,简称UC)成立于1819年,是美国第二古老的公立学府。普林斯顿评论评选辛辛那提大学为中西部最好的公立大学。UC是带薪实习课程co-op的发源地,学校毕业生的就业率高达98%。UC法学院经过美国律师协会的认证,是ABA的32个创始会员之一
The University of Cincinnati is within walking distance of several of the region’s large hospital systems, including the renowned Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. As the global birthplace of cooperative education (co-op), UC has more than 1300 ...