Law and Tourism);教育和社会学院(Faculty of Education and Society);健康科学和福利学院(Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing);科技学院(Faculty of Technology)组成,在桑德兰市拥有河边校区(The Sir Tom Cowie Campus)和城市校区(City Campus)两所校区,在伦敦拥有一所分校区(London Campus),...
University of Chester Prepare yourself for the digital future, study Computer Science at Chester. University of Birmingham Explore a flexible, research-led online MSc and make a difference in mental health. UCLan Gain hands-on experience in nutrition with cutting-edge labs and specialist equ...
“I recently attended the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in Preston and I am thoroughly impressed with my experience. The campus is modern and well-maintained, with a variety of facilities for students to use…” By member576736 on 1st February 23 University of Chester “Love studying...
Basic information and contact details for the University of Chester The University of Chester is the fifth oldest higher education establishment in England, with only the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and London outdating it. It was opened in 1839 as a Church of England training coll... 180 Degrees Consulting Manchester A Cappella and Beatboxing ABSoc (Ahlulbayt society) VTOL
The University Society, named to reflect the university’s standing as the state’s flagship institution of higher learning, recognizes lifetime cumulative giving of $500,000 and above to the Oxford campus. Jennifer A. and Gerald M. Abdalla Aflac Foundation Inc. Nancy H. and Richard B. Akin...
SPONSORED Widener UniversityChester, PA Add to Compare SPONSORED University of PortlandPortland, OR Add to Compare Education School Admissions N/A US Application Deadline Application Fee $90 University of Arizona Admissions Applications 7.5 5.5 3.5 1.5 0 7.5 5.5 3.5 1.5 0 Applications Accepted Enroll...
At West Chester University of Pennsylvania, a public institution, the majority of the online education classes are recorded and archived so students can access the information on their time. The application deadline for online education degree programs at West Chester University of Pennsylvania is ro...
切斯特大学(University of Chester),简称“UoC”,大学创建于1839年,是英国第一所师范类高等学府,也是英国最古老的综合性公立大学之一,起初是英国国教会为培养教师人才创办的教育机构。以优化国际学生体验著名。在 2024 年 WhatUni 学生选择奖的评选中,切斯特大学荣获国际学生综合评价全英第1名。除此之外,学校在...