首先来到高大上的剑桥大学官网https://www.cam.ac.uk/ 2. 选择Study at Cambridge 3. 选择postgraduate,选择你要申请的专业 4. 输入你所申请项目的名称,点击放大镜搜索 5. 找到你要申请的专业,点击项目名称进入项目信息页面 6. 认真阅读每条信息,尤其Requirement和How to Apply,每个专业或有不同 7. 认真全部...
There's no blueprint for an ideal Cambridge student and we want to give applicants as many opportunities as possible to demonstrate their strengths and potential. Therefore, each application is considered individually and holistically, using all of the following information: academic record 学术成绩 s...
There's no blueprint for an ideal Cambridge student and we want to give applicants as many opportunities as possible to demonstrate their strengths and potential. Therefore, each application is considered individually and holistically, using all of the following information: academic record 学术成绩 s...
the University of Cambridge has always been the dream goal of many students. However, applying for...
) 还有就是Cambridge Online Preliminary Application这个表。是剑桥版UCAS。你还可以在里面写写你为什么...
The University of Cambridge is among the world’s foremost universities. Over the past 800 years, its contribution to the world has ranged from the discovery of the mechanism of blood circulation to the structure of DNA and from works of the great philosophers of the early 15th century, to ...
其中剑桥大学(University of Cambridge)是英国“唯二”的书院联邦制大学(另一所是牛津大学),它的前身可以追溯到1209年,作为英语世界中第二古老的大学,在800多年的教育历史中,涌现了一批批引领时代的巨匠,大师,每年的申请季都是不少人竞相追逐的目标。它不仅仅是英国“G5超级精英大学”和“罗素大学成员”双料高校,...
University of Cambridge · 帝国理工学院 · Imperial College, London · 伦敦大学学院 · University College, London (UCL) · 伦敦政治经济学院 · London School of Economics (LSE) · 圣安德鲁斯大学 · University of St Andrews · 杜伦大学 · ...
Spatial and Temporal Performance of the MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) System on Bog Ecosystems in Northern and Central Europe The Bog Ecosystem Research Initiative (BERI) projectwas initiated to investigate, at five climaticallydifferent sites across Europe, the effects of elevate... F ...
A scholarship application checklist Rankings & ratings RANKINGS University of Cambridge is one of the top public universities in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is ranked #5 in QS World University Rankings 2025. 123456789 View all rankings data ...