California Los Angeles University of California - Los Angeles Rankings Niche rankings are based on rigorous analysis of key statistics from the U.S. Department of Education and millions of reviews. Best College Campuses in America 1 of 1,373 Best College Food in America 1 of 1,344 Best Colleg...
Cal State Los Angeles is an above-average public university located in Los Angeles, California. It is a large institution with an enrollment of 18,694 undergraduate students. The Cal State Los Angeles acceptance rate is 87%. Popular majors include Business, Early Childhood Education, and Sociology...
“UCLA给了我非常棒的大学生活。我们有非常出色的教授,我们可以参加各种各样的研讨会去探索不同的职业道路。同时,学校就业办公室的老师也会非常友善的帮我们修改简历以及寻找兼职和工作。” ——Niche校友 “在UCLA生活会让你有一种幸福感...
32. University of California, Los Angeles UCLA via Facebook/Matt Harbicht The acceptance rate at UCLA is 14%. For 2023, Niche ranks its campus and food options as No. 1 out of all American colleges. 31. Tufts University Tufts University via Facebook Tufts University, in Medford, ...
University of California, Los Angeles加州大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA Ranked No. 1 Public University. UCLA tops all public universities in the 2021 U.S. News & World Report rankings. As a public research university, our mission ...
Roger Lee Mendoza, professor in the College of Business and Economics at California State University, Los Angeles, has been selected by The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi—the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines—as the recipient of the Phi ...
Niche网站统计了几种SAT/ACT分数区间的学生最喜爱的15所美国大学。这份统计主要包括了以下分数段:SAT成绩在1340~1600之间的学生最喜欢的15所大学... 分享回复赞 honorsword 留学国家吧 泰晤士报(Times)世界大学综合排名55University of Southern California 南加利福尼亚大学United States美国64 56King's College London...
University of Southern California is a private school located in Los Angeles. Explore University of Southern California's programs, majors, courses, and requirements.
4. Best aerospace engineering schools in the US – Niche Rankings 2022 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Stanford University University of Southern California University of Notre Dame University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) University of Michigan – Ann Arbor ...