(out-of-state). the school of education at university of california--davis has 35 full-time faculty on staff with a 3.7:1 adjusted ratio of graduate students to faculty. + show more at-a-glance acceptance rate 75.6% tuition & fees (doctorate) $14,567 per year (in-state) programs ...
Is University of California--Davis the best social sciences and humanities school for you? Find out at US News. See if University of California--Davis is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
UC Davis is the home of the Aggies, go-getters, change makers and problem solvers who make their mark at one of the top public universities in the United States. Since it first opened in 1908, the university have been known for standout academics, sustainability and Aggie Pride as well as...
University of California, Davis is a public university in northern California. UC Davis has over 30,000 students studying 107 academic majors. Over 50% of undergraduate Aggies participate in meaningful research. Get to know University of California, Davis ...
学校地址:University of CaliforniaDavis One Shields Avenue Davis, CA 95616 (530) 752-1011 学校概况 院校概况 加州大学戴维斯分校位于加州北部的中心---戴维斯市,距离加州首府仅有15分钟的路程,距离世界级旅游胜地,如:旧金山湾区、硅谷太浩湖和纳帕谷也不到2小时的车程。学校所处优越的地理位置为学生接触环境、技术...
About University of California, Davis UC Davis, set in a small traditional college town, is justly famous for its outstanding programs in the biological and agricultural sciences. In addition, its programs in engineering, the social sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and the arts and humaniti...
University of California-Davis 美国-加利福尼亚州 不提供-奖学金 建校时间1908年 81 国际排名 加州大学戴维斯分校数据一览 29379 本科生总数 55.0% 四年毕业率 7081 研究生总数 8% 国际生比例 5758 大一生总数 29379 在校本科生 30% 亚裔生比例
加州大学戴维斯分校(戴维斯)创办于1908年,坐落于加利福尼亚州,Davis,地理位置优越,环境优美。该校开设本科层次的学位教育,录取率达到0.46。在校学生人数33300人,师生比为0.19。作为被中国教育部认可的大学... 如需联系该校,请拨打电话530-752-0864或133-9761-7554 阅读全部 > 国际生 682 学费 $36780 美金 ...
加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California Davis,简称UCD)是美国西部加州大学系统十大分校之一,也是世界著名的公立研究型大学,位于加利福尼亚州戴维斯市。加州大学戴维斯分校作为“公立常春藤”盟校之一,采用Quarter制,一年3学期,每学期11周。除了研究设备与学术水平水准是加州乃至全美最高级之外,学校的各式体育设施及多元...