Examines the combined degree programs at the University of Manitoba and the University of Calgary. Issues discussed at the 2001 conference of the Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation; Information on the medical training program at the University of Calgary; Details of the physician-scientist ...
卡尔加里大学(University of Calgary)位于加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里的西北部,是加拿大前排名前七的研究性大学之一。它的前身是阿尔伯塔大学卡尔加里分校。1966年开始独立授予学生学位。 卡尔加里大学的滑冰场是1988年卡尔加里冬季奥运会的比赛场所之一,也是北美第一个室内速滑冰场。30个长道速滑的世界记录中有17个在这里产生...
I’m Kathryn Blair, a PhD candidate at the University of Calgary in Computational Media Design. My work focuses on using participatory art to explore the role of algorithms in society. You can get in touch at kathryn.blair[at]ucalgary.ca...
A Ph.D. student position is available at the University of Calgary. The successful applicant will...
University of Calgary Department of Biological Sciences 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 个人简介 PhD - Molecular Biology and Genetics University of Alberta, 1999 BSc - Genetics University of Alberta, 1992 研究领域 Stem cells are of intense interest due to their potential use in ...
University of Calgary Department of Biological Sciences 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 个人简介 PhD University of California at Davis, 1981 MSc - Biochemistry University of Hong Kong, 1979 BSc - Biochemistry University of Hong Kong, 1977 研究领域 My long-term research goals are to ...
B.MSc. Harbin Medical University, P.R.China M.MSc. Harbin Medical University, P.R.China PhD University of Calgary, Canada Research Interests Psychiatric Epidemiology Risk Predictive Analytics Workplace Mental Health Mental Health Services Research Dr...
University of Calgary Department of Biological Sciences 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 个人简介 PhD - Genetics Queen's University, 2002 MSc - Genetics University of British Columbia, 1995 BSc - Cell and Development Biology University of British Columbia, 1991 研究领域 Integrative Cell ...
Chua, GordonAssociate Professor University of Calgary - Department of Biological Sciences 查看联系方式 个人简介 PhD - Genetics Queen's University, 2002 MSc - Genetics University of British Columbia, 1995 BSc - Cell and Development Biology University of British Columbia, 1991 研究领域 Integrative Cell...
University of Calgary Department of Biological Sciences 登录后才能查看导师的联系方式,马上登录... 个人简介 PhD University of British Columbia, 2002 BSc Korea University, 1995 研究领域 Broad research interest- My research focuses on metabolic and chemical biology in plants and microbes. Our society is...