Born in Bad Honnef near Bonn in 1961, Dr. Guido Westerwelle studied law at the University of Bonn and obtained a doctoral degree in law. 基多·威斯特威勒博士1961年生于波恩 附近 的巴特霍涅夫,毕业于 波恩大 学法 律 系, 拥有博士头衔。 University of Bon...
University of Bonn 德国-北莱茵-威斯特法伦州 不提供-奖学金 建校时间1818年 暂无 国际排名 波恩大学数据一览 85% 四年毕业率 波恩大学专业及排行 波恩大学仅开设本科专业 2018年波恩大学本科专业 工程与应用科学 材料学 更多专业信息 波恩大学申请信息
1. 波恩大学 波恩大学(University of Bonn)列第11位,为外国学生所设比较法学硕士(在欧洲法学论坛范围内)政治法博士;曼海姆大学(Univer…|基于213个网页 2. 德国波恩大学 德国波恩大学(University of Bonn)的研究发现,平均而言,那些拥有A版本基因,或称吝啬基因的志愿者愿意捐赠的金钱不到 … ...
Founded in 1743, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangan-Nuremberg (FAU) is a… The Technical University of Munich was originally known as the Royal Bavarian… The University of Paderborn is an institution based in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany…...
意思是波恩大学 。例句:1、Researchers at the University of Bonn have now come to a completely differentconclusion.研究者在波恩大学,现在已经到了一个完全不同的结论。2、Scientists at the University of Bonn have discovered a new rare type ofhaemoglobin.来自德国波恩大学的科学家发现一种罕见...
University of Bonn Summary Bonn Explore Map The University of Bonn is a public institution that was founded in 1818. The university has facilities located throughout Bonn, a city in western Germany near the Rhine River. The city was the birthplace of the late composer Ludwig van Beethoven, and...
University of Bonn 德国 加入我的选校 在线问答 研究生专业 看看我适合什么专业? 所属学院: 全部无关联院系 专业中文名学制学费其他 数学-硕士MSc专业详情 经济学-硕士MSc专业详情 植物科学-硕士MSc专业详情 神经科学-硕士MSc专业详情 ...
Full/AssociateProfessorinSmartEnergy UniversityofMacau Macao UniversityofMacau Macao (Ref.No.:IOTSC/SE/FAP/11/2024)TheUniversityofMacau(UM)isaninternationalizedpublic… Competitive 15Nov2024 AssociateLecturer(TeachingScholar) SouthernCrossUniversity
t Bonn)简称波恩大学,是位于德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州波恩市的一所公立大学。 2003年冬季学期波恩大学...
Germany. Founded in 1818 the University of Bonn is today one of the leading universities in Germany. The University of Bonn offers a large number of undergraduate and graduate programs in a range of subjects. Its library holds more than two million volumes. The University of Bonn has 525 prof...