University of Glasgow 79 73 美國 Brown University 80 84 英國 University of Birmingham 80 81 英國 University of Southampton 82 89 澳洲 The University of Adelaide 82 75 英國 University of Leeds 84 87 德國 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 84 91 日本 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech...
27 爱丁堡大学 The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 28 慕尼黑工业大学 Technical University of Munich Germany 29 麦吉尔大学 McGill University Canada 30 澳大利亚国立大学(ANU) Australian National University (ANU) Australia 31 首尔国立大学 Seoul National University South Korea =32 约翰霍普金斯大...
Campus locations Campus Name Dubai Campus Campus Dubai Campus Campus University of Birmingham Dubai Block 2, Dubai International Academic City AE Open in Maps #12 World University Rankings - Masters in Supply Chain Management 30 Available programs...
University of Birmingham Data Total number of students 33,430 Number of international students 10,225 Total number of academic staff 2,175 Number of international staff 710 Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 6,325 Number of master's degrees awarded 5,450 Number of doctoral degrees awarded 580...
University of Bristol 布里斯托大学 10 3618 10 University of Leeds 利兹大学 8 3597 11 University of Southampton 南安普顿大学 14 3506 12 University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学 13 3408 13 University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德大学 9 3307 14 University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学 12 3271 15 University of Warwick 华...
119 University of Birmingham 78.947 UK Golden League 120 University of Twente 78.939 Netherlands Golden League 121 Northeastern University 78.900 USA Golden League 122 Erasmus University Rotterdam 78.894 Netherlands Golden League 123 University of Warwick 78.817 UK Golden League 124 Rutgers University 78.683...
11 =93 101 University of Birmingham Birmingham 12 =98 105 University of Sheffield Sheffield 13 106 =106 University of Warwick Warwick 14 115 =97 University of Southampton Southampton 15 123 129 University of Leeds Leeds 16 =136 =130 University of Nottingham Nottingham 17 =141 135 Queen Mary Un...
University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学在2025QS世界大学排名第80位,2025TIMES英国大学排名第11位。 伯明翰大学(University of Birmingham),位于英国第二大国际化城市伯明翰,是一所研究型公立大学。作为全球百强大学之一,伯明翰大学以其卓越的教学质...