学位类型:BSc 专业方向:社会科学与管理 所属学校:University of Birmingham(伯明翰大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 免费留学咨询 扫码留学问题随时咨询 在线咨询 4006152656 51offer留学在线咨询
Scholarship: Scholarship options at the University of Birmingham Dubai are designed to benefit all new students and the financial rewards can be carried forward through the entire programme across foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate levels. For ...
BSc Computer Science Overview Develop practical skills in the specification, design and implementation of computer systems, as well as an understanding of the theory behind them Our world-class teaching is informed by active, up-to-the-minute research of international standing in developing fields inc...
Main Subject Computer Science and Information Systems Degree BSc Study Level Undergraduate The purpose of the extra Foundation year is to prepare you for your Computer Science programme, equipping you with the necessary academic skills and a firm grounding in the subject. Our course is taught ...
阿斯顿大学地处伯明翰(Birmingham),作为阿斯顿大学的学生,你将在充满活力的国际化大都市伯明翰就读学士学位课程。 伯明翰位于英格兰中部,接近英格兰地理位置的中心,距伦敦仅160千米,是英国第二大城市,因此常被形象地称为“英格兰的大心脏”。伯明翰分为新城和老城。新城火车站附近是英国工业展览会所在地,老城车站是伯明翰市...
Main Subject Computer Science and Information Systems Degree BSc Study Level Undergraduate The programme, taught jointly with the School of Mathematical Sciences, provides a solid grounding in both fields. You’ll cover core topics in mathematics, including calculus, probability and linear algebra....
University of Birmingham “The school environment is very good, the learning atmosphere is strong and the teachers are very responsible. Generally speaking, the school has not only perfect facilities but also a very academic atmosphere.” By member1183557 on 5th April 23 ...
As a postgraduate student at the University of Birmingham, I've thoroughly enjoyed my time here over the last couple of months. Doing a conversion course from a humanities degree to a computer science master's, I've had the opportunity to apply my prior social science and philosophical studie...
Computer Science 2 pages 2023/2024 Notes on Inferior Surface of Brain-Actual Size - Physiological Psychology | PSYC 372 Study notes University of Idaho (U of I) Psychology of Human Development 1 pages Pre 2010 (1) Solutions Manual Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems Study notes American Universi...