Rank - Overall rank based on the average of the ranking fields (Scores, Difficulty, Smartest, Brainpower, Faculty and Research). Scores - SAT & ACT scores. The university's test scores are corrected for dropout rate when score level is Good, Excellent or Elite. This will slightly boost scor...
a philanthropic-social organization for female college students. Eta was the 7th chapter installed and Phrateres eventually had over 20 chapters in Canada and the United States. (The chapter name "Eta" was reused for the chapter installed at Arizona State University in 1958.) ...
The Garbage (垃圾) Project started at the University of Arizona in 1973. Since then, the students and teachers in it have studied the modern garbage in different cities.To study the garbage, the students had to travel to landfills, the places where cities bury (填埋) their garbage. While ...
a philanthropic-social organization for female college students. Eta was the 7th chapter installed and Phrateres eventually had over 20 chapters in Canada and the United States. (The chapter name "Eta" was reused for the chapter installed at Arizona State University in 1958.) ...
Doctoral Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, 2012. Available online: https://www.proquest.com/docview/917742486 (accessed on 16 March 2024). Moneta-Koehler, L.; Brown, A.M.; Petrie, K.A.; Evans, B.J.; Chalkley, R. The Limitations of the GRE in predicting success...