University of Alberta North Campus, Edmonton, Canada +5 campus Official Website ShortlistCompare # 96QS World University Rankings 177Undergraduate programs 74Postgraduate programs 8483International students Profile2 Menu Overview Programs University Information Tuition Fee and Scholarships Rankings...
Learn more about Bachelor of Arts - Political Science 48 months Undergraduate Program By University of Alberta including the program fees, scholarships, scores and further course information
Looking to study at UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA? Discover courses, entry requirements, tuition fees and more with IDP; your trusted education counsellors!
University of Alberta 加拿大-埃德蒙顿 查询与自己条件相符的申请案例 查询能办理本校的中介及中介口碑 区域排名 4 USNEWS 96 116(泰晤士高等教育) 150(USNEWS) 录取率测试 在线问答 本科专业 看看我适合什么专业? 专业中文名学制学费其他 ...
戏剧-学士BA 18058加币/学年 专业详情 电影研究-学士BA 18058加币/学年 专业详情 金融学-学士BCom 18058加币/学年 专业详情 化学工程-学士BS 19262加币/学年 专业详情 环境与保护科学(环境经济与政治)-学士BS 18058加币/学年 专业详情 材料工程-学士BS 19262加币/学年 专业详情 营养与食品科学(食品科学与技术)-学...
The University of Alberta Faculty of Pharmacy and the Pharmacy Alumni Association conducted an 8-month mentorship pilot project involving pharmacy undergraduate students and alumni pharmacists. The focus was to assist students transitioning into the pharmacy workforce by providing guidance and advice from ...
Bachelor Master University information Admission Students & Staff Tuition fee and scholarships Scholarships #=362 QS World University Rankings 228 Available programs View Details University of Alberta Edmonton,, Canada #96 QS World University Rankings ...
Application season is upon us! If you're looking to live the Prairie Life andattend college or university in Alberta, you'll need to go throughApplyAlberta, the province's application system. Here's a quick primer to help get you applying for your undergraduate program in no time....
University of Alberta 加拿大-埃德蒙顿 加入我的选校 4 USNEWS 96 QS 录取率测试 在线问答 本科专业 看看我适合什么专业? 所属学院: 专业中文名学制学费其他
=4. University of Alberta The University of Alberta is located in Edmonton, capital of the province of Alberta. It is a public research university and was established in 1908. Alberta has produced one Nobel Laureate, four justices of the supreme court of Canada, including a chief justice, ...