首先来看张照片,在人工智能领域,这里有一位重量级大咖:Rich Sutton, 也是主持设计了AlphaGo的业界大牛,...
有兴趣可以去Admission Building去问或是上官网搜。官网:Student Aid Alberta
我们学院是北美唯一独立的Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine,包括了三个department,四个program。摆在别...
首先简单粗暴地了解下阿尔伯塔大学的基本信息,给想要报考的同学一个参考。University of Alberta基础信息 ...
In 1940, the University's Garneau neighbourhood was chosen as the location for the Garneau Theatre, in large part an effort to garner the University student's patronage. Faculties In 1913, a medical school established at the University of Alberta in Edmonton was opened. By 1920, the university...
学艺术的 没啥体验 从萨省来这的我 对寒冷无所畏惧 艺术真的太难了 不过不用学数学还是给了我极大...
Nadia Green, University of Alberta (Online Presenter)Being Indigenous in Canadian Academia: Lessons Now on Centering Indigenous Knowledges in Educational Practices Amber Louis, University of Victoria (Online Presenter) Student Presentations at a Glance – Continued ...
Initially, the university was the Calgary Branch of the University of Alberta. In the first half of the 20th century, the University of Calgary separated from the University of Alberta, and was founded in 1966. The University of Calgary, or "U of C", is composed of 17 faculties including...
Over 34,000 students attend McGill, with international students comprising one-fifth of the student population.McGill is recognized for its award-winning research and participates in research organizations both within Canada and in the world, including the G13, the Association of American Universities,...