Andy:学校周边公共交通也还好,HUB MALL里头就有地铁站,门口就是各路公交,基本覆盖了爱屯东南西北所...
详细情况请参考: HUB nipisiy顶楼风景很好 nipi...
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University of Alberta – engineers create complex concentrated alloy for use as a high-temperature coating for hydrogen combustion engines. An engineering research team at the University of Alberta has identified a new material for coatings that offers promise for high-temperature applications like hydrog...
10. Edmonton, Alberta This bustling burg on the North Saskatchewan River is a colorful patchwork of nearly four hundred distinct neighborhoods. About half of its million citizens are of European descent. The other half-million are a mixture of Asian, Aboriginal, African, Latin American, and Middl...
The Henry Marshall Tory Medal was established in 1941 by Henry Marshall Tory (1864–1947), FRSC, founding President of the University of Alberta and of the National Research Council of Canada, and a co-founder of Carlton University. In the meantime, appeals were again made to the government ...
Although a large number of alumni live in Ontario, a significant number live in British Columbia, Nova Scotia, Alberta, New York, and Washington, D.C. York also has over 25,000 alumni internationally. York alumni, faculty, or former faculty have been awarded 12 Nobel Prizes and 14 Pulitzer...
详细情况请参考 HUB nipisiy顶楼风景很好 nipisiy看日落 校外租房 由于埃德蒙顿冬天可怕的气温,建议没车的同学尽量住在学校附近/地铁沿线/有公交15分钟以内直达的区域。埃德蒙顿整体房租比多伦多,温哥华这种大城市便宜很多,但是也没有很低,大概在500-1500左右。具体价格可以在Google M、ap上面搜...