Who expects to get up in the morning, get dressed, maybe make plans for the holidays, have a coffee, go off to work, take an afternoon break to do a little shopping, and end up dead on a subway train? On the same day the CBC reported a deadly shooting in Mississauga and every day...
In Alberta, children in classrooms are expected to write PATs (Provincial Government Achievement Exams) in grade 3,6,9, and 12. The exams only test the current grade they are issued in. So only grade 3, 6, 9 and 12. Why? Because there is no way children remember content back from th...
In September 2019, Mac Russell (MS4 at Usask) had the privilege to attend the 7thannualWorld Congress of Ultrasound in Medical Education(WCUME) in Irvine, California. Alongside Dr. Wayne Choi (co-founder of the scan-tracking app called EchoLog ), the two had the opportunity to present on...